フィリピン人実習生の個人住民税について (Resident tax imposed on Filipino technical intern trainees)


参照:   国税局 国外居住親族に係る扶養控除等の適用について

Due to Enforcement of Act on Partial Revision of the Income Tax Act, etc., Filipino technical intern trainees shall be obliged to submit documents concerning relatives living in the Philippines for tax exemption for dependents, spouse, and documents concerning remittance for them. Therefore, almost all of Filipino technical intern trainees shall be obliged to pay resident tax from 2017. This is because the number of their dependents, probably, in many cases, be only 1.

 Reference:   For Those Applying for an Exemption for Dependents, etc. with Regard to Non-resident Relatives  (National Tax Agency)


住民税は、国税である所得税とは別に課税される地方税で、市民税と県民税の均等割と所得割から成り立っています。個人に対する市民税と県民税は、市区町によって合わせて課税・徴収されます。1 月 1 日(賦課期日)に日本国内に住所がある方は、その 1 月 1 日にお住まいの市区町に、前年中の所得に基づく住民税を納付しなければなりません。


What is the resident tax?

Residence tax is a local tax that is levied separate to income tax, which is a national tax. It is formed from resident tax and prefectural tax on a per capita levy and per income levy. Resident tax and prefectural tax in relation to individuals are levied and collected together by the municipal bodies. Foreigners who have a domicile within Japan as of January 1 (base date for assessment) must pay residence tax based on their income from the previous year to the municipality in which they live by January 1.

Due to this reason, even for a foreigner that leaves Japan after January 1 is still liable for resident tax.





How to pay resident tax

If you are an employee of solo proprietor such as unincorporated farmer, the resident tax is usually paid in four installments as ordinary collection: June, August, October and January of the following year, upon receipt of a Tax Notice or Tax Payment Slip sent by municipal office at the beginning of June. 

If you are a salaried employee, the resident tax is divided into 12 installments and withheld from your salary on a monthly basis from June until May of the following year on the basis of a notice from municipal office as special collection.

The resident tax is calculated based on total income received in the previous year and collected during the following year.


For details, please directly ask municipal office in charge. 


(1) 一方の締約国を訪れた時点において他方の締約国の居住者であつた個人であつて、主として、
(b) 職業上の若しくは専門家の資格に必要な訓練を受けるため、
(iii) 当該一方の締約国内で提供する人的役務によつて取得する所得であつて年間1,500合衆国ドル又は日本円若しくはフィリピン・ペソによるその相当額を超えないもの
(2) (1)の規定に基づく特典は、滞在の目的を達成するために合理的又は慣習的に必要とされる期間についてのみ与えられる。